3. International Student Social Sciences Congress

Perşembe, Mart 11, 2021

International Student Social Sciences Congress

The 3 rd International Students Social Sciences Congress will be held between December 2-3, in cooperation with the Science Studies Association (İlmi Etüdler Derneği-ILEM) and the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), hosted by Istanbul Civilization University (İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi).

The theme of the Congress will be "Conflict Zones and Search for Solutions". In addition, a special session titled Jerusalem will be held and the work on Jerusalem will be preceded.

It will be accepted that the Congress will be informed about other branches of social sciences as well as the fields of.

Conference proceedings will be accepted in the areas of Economics, International Relations, Political Science, Sociology, Human Rights, Diaspora, Migration, Refugees, Literature, Philosophy, Communication, Law and Social Policy as well as in the other areas of social sciences.

For detailed information: www.uokongresi.org


30 Eylül 2017 – Last Abstract Submission Date

10 Ekim 2017– Announcement of Accepted Summaries

5 Kasım 2017 – Last Submitting Date of Full Text

20 Kasım 2017 – Announcement of Accepted Conference Proceedings

25 Kasım 2017 – Announcement of the Congress Program

2-3 Aralık 2017 – Regulation Date of Congress


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