Digital Culture Platform CLOSE

EREN: “It is extremely important that those responsible are brought to justice”

Abdullah Eren, President of Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), condemned the racist attack on Eving Selimiye Sports Club operating in Dortmund, Germany, and said, "It is extremely important that such racist attacks are seriously investigated by the German authorities and those responsible are brought to justice." see more..

Citizens Abroad
YTB Does Not Make Hanau Massacre Forgotten

On the anniversary of the racist terrorist attack in Hanau, a commemoration program was organized by YTB in order not to forget the citizens who lost their lives in the attack and to raise awareness about the racist attacks in Europe. see more..

Citizens Abroad
Eren Congratulates Emir Kır, The Mayor Of Saint-Josse, On His Victory Once Again

President of YTB, Abdullah Eren, congratulated Emir Kır, the Mayor of Saint-Josse in the Brussels region, on his victory in the repeated elections. see more..

Citizens Abroad
“YTB Meetings” Continue Where They Left Off: “History, Identity and Colonialism”

"YTB Meetings" conference series implemented by our Presidency continues. In the first program of 2025, Prof. Azmi Özcan made his presentation titled "History, Identity and Colonialism". see more..

Citizens Abroad
YTB President Eren: "Necessary Legal Measures Should Be Taken Against the Actions"

Abdullah Eren, President of Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), harshly condemned the attempt to burn the Holy Quran in front of Türkiye's Copenhagen Embassy and said, "I invite the Danish authorities to take the necessary legal measures against such despicable acts of Islamophobia and to ensure that similar provocations are not repeated." see more..

Citizens Abroad
A Heartfelt Bond That Reaches All Around The World

Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) continued its activities in 2024 all over the world toward Turkish citizens living in many parts of the world, especially in Europe, kin and related communities with whom we have historical ties, and international students who continue their education in our country to meet all of these group’s social, cultural, legal, economic and political needs. see more..

Citizens Abroad, International Students, Related Communities
EREN: “As Türkiye, We Are Always With Our Citizens”

YTB President Abdullah Eren reacted harshly to the attack on Turkish citizens by supporters of the separatist terrorist organization PKK/YPG at France's Charles De Gaulle Airport. see more..

Citizens Abroad
YTB Organized Strasbourg Lawyers Meeting

The "Strasbourg Lawyers Meeting" organized by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) was held in Strasbourg from December 6th to 8th. see more..

Citizens Abroad
International Young Writers Meet in Istanbul

"The '3rd International Young Writers Meeting' and the 'YTB A World of Literature Awards Ceremony,' organized by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), were held in Istanbul." see more..

Citizens Abroad, International Students
YTB Organized a Memorial Program In Frankfurt For Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin

The Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) organized a memorial program in Frankfurt, Germany, for Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin, who is highly regarded in German and Turkish academia and who, with his studies at Goethe University, broke new ground in the fields of Islamic history and the history of science and technology. see more..

Citizens Abroad

Ottoman America

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