Applications In Progress for YTB’s Cognate Literature Outreach Program

Pazartesi, Şubat 26, 2024

The Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) continues to promote Turkish literary works authored by cognate communities in 2024 under the Cognate Literature Outreach Program (SEDEP).

The program is intended to help cognate communities maintain their literary and cultural development and introduce emerging know-how.

SEDEP is mainly focused on improving and developing cultural interactions with cognate communities that we share historical and cultural ties with. 

The Outreach Program is open for cognate authors, poets, people of letters, folk artists, academics, universities, and non-profit legal persons with a certificate of publication. SEDEP is set to offer a variety of financial aids for writing, printing, promotion, translation, and digital publication. To be eligible, one must have a work printed and published. 

Of applications, those that drive forward the sense of shared culture and civilization and place an emphasis on historical, cultural, and contemporary issues of the cognate communities. Turkish Nationals are not eligible for the Cognate Literature Outreach Program. 

If you are interested in the program for which the deadline of applications is April 5, 2024, please visit for more information.

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