Certified Training Program on Turkey-EU-NATO Relations from YTB

Çarşamba, Nisan 13, 2022

Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) is organizing "Turkey-EU-NATO Relations Certified Training Program" in order to enable young people living abroad to get to know the European Union and NATO more closely and to provide information about career opportunities in these organizations.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) is organizing the "EU-NATO Relations Certified Training Program" for young people abroad who want to get to know the European Union and NATO closely. Thanks to the program, young citizens will have the opportunity to better understand Turkey's relations with the EU and NATO and will have an idea about career opportunities in these organizations.

The certificate program will be held in Brussels, the capital of Belgium, between 23-25 May 2022 in cooperation with YTB, TOBB Brussels Permanent Representation and Economic Development Foundation Brussels Representation.

Within the scope of the program; seminars will be held on the general functioning of the European Union and NATO, their institutional structures and especially Turkey's relationship with these institutions. In addition, visits to institutions and informative events on career processes will be organized by the personnel working in these institutions. Although the language of the program will be Turkish, it is foreseen that some parts of the program will be conducted in English.

Who can apply?

Citizens of the Republic of Turkey, blue card holders and those who are entitled to receive a blue card (whose parents or descendants have renounced Turkish citizenship with permission) will be eligible to apply for this program. The application requirements include being born between 01.01.1992 and 01.01.2003. Those who are currently pursuing their undergraduate and graduate education in the USA, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, Canada and Norway will be able to take part in the program. Those residing abroad will be able to participate in the program.

Applications will be made by e-mailing the documents specified in the link https://dkp-test.ytbase1.p.azurewebsites.net/post/593/ to abegitimleri@ytb.gov.tr. Quotas are limited and evaluations will be made by taking into consideration the information and documents submitted by the candidates during the application.

Application Deadline: April 29, 2022

While the deadline for the Certified Training Program on Turkey-EU-NATO Relations is 29.04.2022, accommodation and food in Brussels will be covered by YTB.

In return for the submission of a ticket for transportation, support of up to 150 euros will be provided for participants from European countries. The upper limit for young people from the USA and Canada who want to participate in the program is 300 euros.

For all questions regarding the program, you can contact abegitimleri@ytb.gov.tr.

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