Evliya Çelebi Culture Trips Program

Cuma, Temmuz 1, 2022

It is very important for our citizens living abroad to visit not only their hometowns but also Turkey's historical and culturally rich cities in order to establish a sense of belonging with their homeland. YTB also continues its projects in order to establish this belonging relationship in a healthy way. Within the scope of Evliya Çelebi Cultural Trips Program, which is one of these projects, our citizens will have the opportunity to discover the cultural and historical values of Turkey, and like the Turkish traveler Evliya Çelebi (1611-1682), who spent 50 years of his life traveling to many different parts of the world, they will get to know the places they visit and increase their cultural knowledge.

The main goal of the Evliya Çelebi Cultural Trips Program is to enable our citizens who participate in the supported projects to get to know their own culture and history closely and to turn this acquaintance into a close bond of heart. In this way, our citizens participating in the program will be equipped with the knowledge of their own historical and cultural richness.

In line with all the above-mentioned objectives, the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities announces the Evliya Çelebi Cultural Trips Program to enable our citizens abroad to meet with the history, culture and geography of Turkey.

1. Program Modules

The Evliya Çelebi Cultural Trips program aims to strengthen the social and economic ties of our citizens living abroad with Turkey and to introduce our citizens to our historical and cultural values. The modules determined within this scope are as follows:

1.1 Let's Meet Our Motherland Module (10-15 Age Group)

It is a module for our children residing abroad. In the cultural trips that will take place within the framework of this module, it is aimed for children between the ages of 10-15 to get to know their homeland and learn about their own history, culture and geography on the spot by participating with their parents.

1.2 Youth Bridges Module (16-29 Age Group)

It is a module for our young people residing abroad. In this module, which covers the age group of 16 - 29, it is aimed for our young people to learn their spiritual values on the spot and to create belonging by developing their heart ties with their homeland. (It is expected that the age range within the group will be maximum 4. 16-20, 18-22, 21-25, 23-27, 25-29 etc.)

1.3 Entrepreneurship Module

Within the framework of this module for business people, professional groups and academicians residing abroad; it is aimed to organize visits to regional development agencies, relevant institutions and organizations and companies in order to provide our participants with the opportunity to expand their business networks in their fields of work and to gain new horizons. The activities to be carried out within the scope of the module, which aims to strengthen the ties of our citizens with the motherland while gaining new ideas and experiences in the field of work, are as follows:

        Visits to regional development agencies, relevant institutions and organizations, companies, universities and research centers in line with the Entrepreneurship Route,

        Trainings and meetings for work areas,

        Visits to historical and cultural sites.

  1. Program Content

The projects to be submitted under the program are expected to include the following activities:

        Visits to historical and cultural sites,

        Events, seminars and workshops on history, culture, art, literature and civilization,

        Regional development agencies, relevant institutions and organizations, KOSGEB Provincial Directorates, company visits (for Entrepreneurship Module),

        University and research center visits (for Entrepreneurship Module).

  1. Which Countries Apply for the Program?

Applicants can apply to the program from the USA, Germany, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, France, Netherlands, Italy, Canada, Norway, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States and United Kingdom.

  1. Who can apply?

Within the scope of this program; Non-Governmental Organizations and Professional Organizations can apply provided that they work in related fields.

In order to carry out the proposed projects, the administrative, financial and human resources capacity of the applicant organization must be compatible with the volume of the proposed project. The existence of projects and activities carried out in the past in the relevant fields will provide an advantage to the applicant during the evaluation phase.

  1. What are the Program Routes?

Five routes have been created for the program. Applicants are expected to choose one of these five routes, and applicants who choose the Entrepreneurship Module must choose the Entrepreneurship Route.

Route 1: İstanbul – Bursa – Çanakkale – Edirne

Route 2: İstanbul – Ankara – Konya – Nevşehir

Route 3: Ordu – Giresun – Trabzon – Rize

Route 4: Şanlıurfa – Mardin – Gaziantep – Hatay

Entrepreneurship Route: Visits to regional development agencies, institutions and organizations, universities, research centers, companies and/or KOSGEB provincial directorates should be included in the activity calendar. Applicants selecting the Entrepreneurship Module must choose this route.

  1. Budget Item to be Supported by the Presidency


Maximum Airfare Support Amount Per Person to be Provided by the Presidency

Project Executor

Guide (Daily)


500 USD

100 USD

40 USD


200 EUR

100 EUR

40 EUR


 700 AUD

150 AUD

60 AUD


 200 EUR

100 EUR

40 EUR


200 EUR

100 EUR

40 EUR

United Kingdom

150 GDP

85 GDP

35 GDP


1500 DKK

725 DKK

300 DKK


 200 EUR

100 EUR

40 EUR


200 EUR

100 EUR

40 EUR


200 EUR

100 EUR

40 EUR


2000 SEK

1000 SEK

400 SEK


200 CHF

100 CHF

40 CHF


 200 EUR

100 EUR

40 EUR


600 CAD

125 CAD

50 CAD


2000 NOK

1000 NOK

400 NOK


*For the projects to be supported under the Entrepreneurship Module, 50% of the budget items determined by our Presidency will be covered.

7. How Can I Apply?

You can apply for the program by signing up to the system at https://proje.ytb.gov.tr/ with your organization information.

8. What are the Application Dates?

Applications will be received between July 1 - August 30, 2022.

9. What are the Project Implementation Dates?

Accepted projects must be implemented between September 15, 2022 - December 31, 2023.

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