Ministerial Delegation from the Republic of Guinea Visited YTB
Salı, Ocak 28, 2025
Guinea's Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research paid a visit to the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB). The Guinean delegation, accepted by YTB President Abdullah Eren, discussed the deepening of existing collaborations, especially Türkiye Scholarships, and new collaboration opportunities in different fields.

Alpha Bacar Barry, Guinea's Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, paid a visit to the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB). YTB President Abdullah Eren gave detailed information about Türkiye Scholarships to the Guinean Minister and his accompanying delegation. Eren also conveyed data to the delegation about the educational opportunities provided to Guinean students within the scope of Türkiye Scholarships, and added that Türkiye Scholarship interviews were held in nearly 100 countries last year and Guinea was one of these countries. Noting that Türkiye will provide scholarships to 316 Guinean international students until 2024, Abdullah Eren said that in 2024 alone, scholarships were provided to a total of 35 students from Guinea.

Continuing his words, Abdullah Eren stated that 128 Guinean students received education in Türkiye with Türkiye Scholarships run by YTB, and that the number of all Guineans studying in higher education institutions in our country is more than 690, and underlined that there was a significant increase in the number of Guinean international students accepted to Türkiye Scholarships after 2016. In his speech, YTB President Eren said, "We want to cooperate with our students' countries and host the most successful students of Guinea in our country," and stated that Guinean scholars can benefit from KATIP (Turkish Communication Program for Public Officials and Academicians) specifically for academics, bureaucrats and diplomats, which 6 Guinean diplomats have previously benefited from, as well as the Research Scholarship Program within the scope of Türkiye Scholarships.
"We want to provide scholarships to more Guinean students in Türkiye," said Abdullah Eren, adding that applications for Türkiye Scholarships 2025 period are continuing.
“Increasing the Quality of Human Resources is Our Priority”

Alpha Bacar Barry, Guinea's Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, who started his speech by expressing his satisfaction at being hosted at YTB, stated that despite all the cooperation in the field of education, the desired capacity between Türkiye and Guinea in this field has not yet been achieved. " Türkiye is a country that has characteristics that we attach great importance to," said Barry, adding that they wish for more Guinean students to be educated in Türkiye and that they are particularly focusing on the education of Guinean academics who will educate Guinean students.
Underlining that they can assist YTB in the processes regarding Türkiye Scholarships, the Guinean Minister also emphasized that Turkish language training has started to be provided in some educational institutions in Guinea in order to overcome the language problem, and that many Turkish companies operating in Guinea can be a means for Guinean Türkiye Graduates to do internships and gain experience. Finally, thanking YTB, Alpha Bacar Barry, Guinea's Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, said, "On behalf of the Guinean Embassy in Türkiye and the Guinean Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, we believe that the number of Guinean students in Türkiye will increase," and added once again that they are always open to cooperation.
After the meeting, YTB President Abdullah Eren presented Guinean Minister Alpha Bacar Barry with a map of Africa from the Ottoman period and the African Yearbook, which was among the publications of our Presidency.