The latest theme of the YTB Gatherings: Historical Background and Cultural Background of the Balkans

Cuma, Ocak 26, 2024

Organized by YTB, the conference series of “YTB Gatherings” has carried on in another edition. This week’s edition was held under the theme of “Historical Background and Cultural Backgroundof the Balkans” and attended by Prof. Mustafa İsen and Prof. Tuba Durmuş as guest speakers.

A photo exhibition titled “Balkans: Blessed Land” was displayed for the attendees at YTB’s Rumelia Culture & Art venue ahead of the event.

Taking floor during the event, Mustafa İsen touched on the importance of the region for the Turkish history after offering insights into the Balkans. Mr. İsen noted that the conquests across Rumelia coincided with the Ottoman Empire's youth, and added that the impressions left behind across the region, including in Sarajevo and Thessaloniki are everlasting.

Providing information compiled as part of the study titled ‘History of Turkish Literature in the Balkans’, Prof. Tuba Durmuş communicated information over the course of Turkish literature and literary figures in the Balkans. Prof. Durmuş also offered cases in point for poems by Turkish poets.


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