The Life of Mother Mevlüde meets its readers in three languages

Çarşamba, Haziran 15, 2022

On May 29, 1993 in Solingen, Germany, a racist group set fire to the house where the Genç family lived and 5 members of the family lost their lives. Mevlüde Genç, who lost two daughters, two grandchildren and a nephew in the fire, was deemed worthy of many awards for her messages of restraint in the face of the tragedy. The approach of Mevlüde Genç, who made discourses that brought the two communities closer together, became a symbol in the fight against racism in Germany.

From Documentary to Book "Wise Mother Mevlüde Genç"

With the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, director Sevinç Yeşiltaş shot a documentary about Mother Mevlüde, titled "Wise Mother Mevlüde Genç". In addition, with the support of the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), a prestige book was prepared from the transcripts of the interviews in the documentary. The prestige book, which includes Mother Mevlüde's life, the awards she received and her will with different visuals, was presented to the readers in Turkish, German and English. 

The first part of the book, which consists of eight chapters, includes the "Life, Philosophy of Life and Testament" of Mother Mevlüde, prepared by Ali Kılıçarslan, who worked as a journalist in Germany. The other chapters include interviews with Prof. Dr. Uğur Tekin, Onur Öymen, Tayfun Keltek, Şefik Kantar, Kemal Genç, Özlem Genç and Mevlüde Genç respectively. The 183-page book, which includes a presentation by Minister of Culture and Tourism Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, also includes many photographs of the Solingen tragedy, the Genç family and the interviews.

The premiere and launch program of the documentary and prestige book will be held on June 17, 2022 at CINEDOM Cinema Hall in Cologne.

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