Training for Young Writers Around the World by YTB
Perşembe, Ağustos 25, 2022
The certificate program of the "International Young Writers Academy" organized by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) and Maltepe University was held. Within the scope of the program, seminars and workshops were organized for 65 young writers from different countries of the world in fields such as poetry, short stories, essays and translation.
The certificate program of the "International Young Writers Academy", organized by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) and Maltepe University, was held between 18-25 August 2022 with the participation of 65 young writers and writer candidates from different countries of the world. Within the scope of the academy, young people received training from experts in fields such as poetry, short stories, essays and translation.
Young writers from Italy, Germany, France, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Azerbaijan and Afghanistan participated in the Certificate Program.
YTB President Abdullah Eren, AK Party Eskişehir MP Prof. Dr. Nabi Avcı and Maltepe University Rector Dr. Edibe Sözen attended the certificate ceremony in Istanbul.
We Protect Our Citizens' Relations with Turkey
Speaking at the program, YTB President Abdullah Eren stated that they carry out activities to reach a large number of Turkish citizens living abroad and emphasized that they also try to ensure that citizens living in different countries do not break their relations with Turkey.
Stating that many people from Turkey went to European countries such as Germany 60 years ago as laborers and made great sacrifices, Eren said that there are approximately 5 million Turks living in Europe today.
Eren continued his speech as follows; "Our elders who left 60 years ago worked in factories and mines. They made great efforts and became permanent. Now the Turkish presence in Europe has reached the fourth and fifth generation. So, how do we stabilize the ties of European Turks with Turkey? When our ties with Turkey as the motherland and Turkish as the mother tongue slow down, what kind of a European Turkish identity will we create on an intellectual basis so that we can preserve their ties with Turkey? This is one of our important goals. Literature is a very important tool at this point. This is why our writing academy has an important function."
Our Common Love is Turkish
Speaking at the program, former Minister of National Education and AK Party Eskişehir Deputy Prof. Dr. Nabi Avcı stated that he was very happy to meet young writers from the Balkan region, Europe and Azerbaijan. Stating that workshops and seminars on poetry, essays, translation were organized for young writers during the writing academy, Avcı said that young people came together with experts and masters of the subject.
Explaining that the common love is Turkish, Avcı said: "The common love of all of us is Turkish. But first of all, let me say this. Every language is beautiful. Whether it is the language of a tribe of five hundred people or the language of an empire spoken by millions of people. Every language is one of the miracles and signs of Allah. Therefore, every language is also a worldview. We express how we see the world and how we want to show it through our languages."
Emphasizing the importance of translation in intercultural relations, Avcı pointed out that young writers should attach importance to translation. Stating that translation would suit young people living in Europe the best, Avcı said: "Introducing us to Italians, Macedonians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Bosnians, French and Germans would suit you the best. But it is not enough to know only that language when translating. You also need to know the world of that language. Because you were born and raised there. You live there. You have native languages. Most of you know the language of the country you were born in, in addition to Turkish. Therefore, you can best reflect the subtleties of both worlds."
Common Consciousness and Common Language Bring Us Together
Maltepe University Rector Dr. Edibe Sözen stated that the one-week program ended successfully and efficiently. She noted that the students who received certificates will apply the experiences they gained in their future lives.
Sözen stated that they tried to create international public diplomacy with the writing academy program and said, "I think this goal was achieved in some way. In addition, our young people living in different countries contributed to building a bridge of hearts. Regardless of physical borders, it is the common consciousness and common language that bring us together. You have somehow improved yourselves in literature, cinema and other fields."