Turkiye Scholarships One Of World’s Most Outstanding Scholarship Programs

Çarşamba, Ağustos 11, 2021

Program receives applications from largest number of countries in world, says head of YTB

Turkiye Scholarships is a scholarship program that receives applications from the largest number of countries in the world, and this puts it among the world’s most outstanding scholarship programs, the head of the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) said Tuesday.

Addressing 233 students who are continuing their Turkish studies in the capital Ankara and central Kirikkale province through the "Welcome to Turkiye Scholarships Program,” Abdullah Eren congratulated them for successfully passing the qualification among 170,000 applications received by YTB for Turkiye Scholarships in 2020.

"Under normal circumstances, we should have brought you to Turkey in September 2020 and made this program at that time. But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we could not bring you to Turkey. But what did we do? We brought you the opportunity to study Turkish online for about eight months,” he said.

Noting that there are international students from 55 countries in the program, Eren said he is pleased that students from each continent bring their Turkish language knowledge to a certain level by following online courses.

He noted that students will also take an accelerated Turkish course for two months.

"We welcome you to Turkey. Turkiye Scholarships are one of the most outstanding scholarship programs in the world. It is a scholarship program that receives applications from the largest number of countries in the world.

"Whatever your goal is, whatever you believe in, follow it to the end. If you succeed, opportunities will come to you both at the university and outside the university," he emphasized.

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