YTB Carries on Holding Events in 2023 All Around the World
Cuma, Aralık 29, 2023
The Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) provided continuous services for the Turkish nationals residing all around the world throughout 2023, and ran hundreds of projects in an effort to improve the economic, social, and cultural ties with the cognate and related communities. YTB also took actions throughout the year to help international students, who study on a scholarship in Türkiye, advance their academic career.
Taking actions year after year for Turkish nationals, cognate and related communities, and Türkiye Scholarships students studying in Türkiye, YTB rendered an continuous flow of services in 2023, too. YTB ran thousands of projects in 2023 all around the world.
YTB developed policies this year in response to social, cultural, legal, financial, and political needs of the people residing abroad. YTB funded a total of 116 projects for the citizens and paid 122 field visits in 14 countries in 2023.
YTB published 16 books that concern the preservation of cultural and historical heritage, which has to do with its operations, and help make a notch in history, and add to the literature. E-publications were made available for academics and researchers on the Digital Culture Network.
Earthquake Relief Efforts
YTB coordinated the efforts to deliver nearly 56 million Euros collected and donated by over 170 NGOs and Turkish nationals from 9 countries in the aftermath of the earthquake that hit on February 6. Additionally, 524 long trucks, 3,922 containers, and 3 field hospitals were provided for the survivors.
Training for Family and Social Services Scholars
A variety of training courses were held throughout 2023 for the YTB’s Family and Social Services Scholars under the themes of “Therapist-Client Relations'', “Cultural Differences”, “Importance of Playing Games in Child Development”, and “Lack of Attention and Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Youth”. A plan is now in place to kick off a project to build a Family Counselling Centre to settle family-related and psychological issues facing Turkish nationals.
Turkish Entrepreneurship Diaspora in Germany
YTB ran a project called “Turkish Entrepreneurship Diaspora” in Germany in 2023. The project is intended to identify Turkish entrepreneurs in Germany by sectors and draw up a roadmap accordingly.
Research on Turks in Europe
A field survey was conducted at the Kapıkule Land Border Gate, Istanbul Airport, and Sabiha Gökçen Airport in an attempt to quantify the financial inputs of the Turkish diaspora in Europe for Türkiye.
Series of Human Treasures - First Generation Stories
Launched by YTB this year, the project “Series of Human Treasures - First Generation Stories” helps keep record of invaluable memories and stories of the people who migrated abroad as part of the labour migration between 1961 and 1985 and of those born and raised abroad.
Commemorative Event for 30th Anniversary of Solingen Tragedy
A delegation of YTB attended the commemorative event for the 30th Anniversary of Solingen Tragedy held on May 29, 2023 in cooperation between the City of Solingen and DITIB Solingen.
Educational Trip to Mark 100th Anniversary of the Declaration of Republic
In the scope of our events to mark the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Republic, an Educational Trip for the 100th Anniversary of the Declaration of Republic was organised for young people residing abroad in an effort to consolidate their national identities and improve the ties with their motherland.
Podcast Diaspora Bizim and Academy of Andalusia
The Podcast Diaspora Bizim, which is available on social networks, including Spotify, Instagram, and Youtube, remains on air with 18 content producers from 4 countries. 190 episodes were aired on Diaspora Bizim's social networks throughout 2023.
Under the auspices of YTB, history recitals on Andalusia were performed for 12 weeks, involving 22 participants from 4 European countries. The participants involved in the whole event paid a visit to Andalusian cities.
Event to Remember Sarıkamış Martyrs
YTB held an event to Remember Sarıkamış Martyrs on January 6 to 8, 2023 with a view to consolidating the ties of the youth abroad with Türkiye and raise their awareness about national history.
Sky Global Turkish Internship and Teknofest Event
YTB developed SKY Global Turkish Internship Scheme in 2023 to offer a chance for Turkish youngsters abroad to be employed by the Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc. (TUSAŞ). The event was joined by nearly a hundred young people from all over the world.
Sponsored by YTB to be held in Istanbul and Izmir, TEKNOFEST Aerospace, and Technology Festival was attended by tens of young Turks residing abroad. The young people had the chance to get to know the technology companies and attend the air shows, technology contests, and seminars on technological agenda items.
Future of Diaspora Discussed at the Young Leaders Event
Held on August 21 to 27 under the overarching theme of “Diaspora Youth Discuss the Future: Vision for 2050 and Turkish Diaspora”, 2023 Youth Leaders Event was attended by 28 young people from 9 countries.
Report on Internship and Human Rights for Nationals Residing Abroad
Provided by YTB to back the achievements of the Turkish nationals abroad in educational, cultural, and academic aspects, Prof. Fuat Sezgin Scholarship of Excellence, High School Graduation Exam Achievement Scholarship, Thesis and Research Scholarship, and Scholarship of Expertise in Family and Social Services have been rolled out for 2023-2024 academic year, too.
The Journal on Rights and Freedoms of Turkish Nationals Abroad for 2022 and the Report on Attacks Against Turkish Presence Abroad were published in May 2023.
Informative Sessions Over Public Services
Informative sessions were held under the themes of military service, citizenship and blue card, customs and traffic procedures, civil registration procedures, healthcare and social security procedures in countries highly populated by Turkish nationals. The public services provided for the Turkish nationals abroad were also examined during the sessions.
Welcoming & Sending-Off
As it is customary, YTB organised another series of welcoming and sending-off events at the border gates across Türkiye and abroad this year. In addition, a recreational hall was created for Turkish nationals in the Kapıkule Border Gate in 2023, just like other years. From June to September 2023, 2.628,291 million passengers crossed the Kapıkule Border Gate and the number of vehicles crossing the border was record breaking this year compared to the past 5 years.
Campaign to Encourage and Inform Turkish Nationals Abroad for Political Involvement
YTB organized events in 21 states/cantons and 161 cities in a total of 7 countries to inform the Turkish nationals about election procedures and to raise awareness about voting ahead of the Presidential and 28th Parliamentary Elections.
Turkish Language Support All Around the World
Seed module education kit editions were shipped to 96 trainers, 94 classrooms, and 1,380 students in 6 countries, including the Western Europe and the U.S. Throughout the year 2023. Upon the request of the Ministry of National Education, YTB shipped a Seed Module Education Kit (3,689 materials) to the schools in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Qatar, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Uzbekistan, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Turkmenistan, and Moldova in September 2023.
30th Anniversary of Solingen Tragedy
Intended to raise public awareness in Türkiye and Germany about the racist and discriminatory attacks against the Turkish nationals abroad, a book titled "30th Anniversary of Solingen Tragedy" was published in Turkish and German in September.
Atlas of Turkish Diaspora in Germany
Intended to depict an overview of the Turkish diaspora in aspects of social life, economy, sports, literature, education, and employment, the Atlas of the Turkish Diaspora in Germany, was released and disseminated in 500 copies for the first edition.
Events to Remember Mevlüde Genç in Ankara and Book Launch
A book titled "Mevlüde Genç: The Wise Mother" was drawn up in memory of Mevlüde Genç, whose house was set on fire by some racist perpetrators on 29th of May 1993 in Solingen, Germany. In addition, YTB held a commemorative ceremony for Mevlüde Genç, who passed away last year, before her grave in the district of Taşova, Amasya.
President Meets Turkish Nationals at YTB Event in New York
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attended an event held by YTB in New York, United States of America and delivered a speech. The event was joined by the Turkish and foreign NGO representatives, academics, and opinion leaders based in the U.S.
Organizing scores of events every year in an effort to further improve the relations with cognate and related communities who enjoy long-established relations and profound ties with Türkiye, YTB made its presence felt where its projects concerning education, culture, academics, arts, media, and civil society were carried out throughout 2023 to consolidate the historical and cultural ties.
Türkiye Alumni Meet in Istanbul
YTB held 16 events this year for Türkiye Alumni who followed through with their higher education studies. In addition, a Forum of Türkiye Alumni was held in Istanbul and attended by nearly 200 graduates from 60 countries. On the occasion of the Forum, panel discussions were organized and joined by the Türkiye Alumni, academics, policy-makers, private sector members, and NGOs. Additionally, Graduate Awards were held on day two for the graduates with outstanding achievements.
Special Event in Azerbaijan for Alumni Awards
The Special Event in Azerbaijan for Alumni Awards and the Alumni Meet in Azerbaijan were held in the second half of 2023. The event was attended by the Türkiye Alumni from 21 countries.
Sponsoring Academic Research Over Descendants and Related Communities
Thorough scientific research on human and social development of sibling communities is sponsored under the Human and Social Development Research Support Programme (BESKAP). The programme is intended to develop bilateral and multiple academic networks through joint applications by researchers in Türkiye and abroad. 4 researches were sponsored under BESKAP in 2023.
Support for Turkish Culture and Literature Around the Globe
The translation of publications intended to promote Turkish culture and literature on a global scale into various languages was sponsored under the Sponsorship Scheme for Cognate Literature (SEDEP). 3 publications were rolled out in 2023 to this end.
Panel Discussion on Türkiye-Africa Relations
A panel discussion was held by YTB under the theme of Türkiye-Africa Relations on the 100th Anniversary of the Declaration of Republic to mark the Africa day on May 25. The event was attended by over a total of 150 officials from public agencies and organizations, including 22 diplomats from 20 African countries.
Commemorative Event for Mümin Gençoğlu
A Commemorative Event for Mümin Gençoğlu was held on the 30th Anniversary of His Demise" was at Uludağ University, Bursa on May 7, 2023. Former Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank, Gençoğlu family, provincial dignitaries and Bulgarian cognates of Turkish origin attended the event.
Los Turcos Migration Research Outreach Program for Latin America
Some academics and specialised researchers were funded to conduct a field survey under 17 projects in total over 2 terms in Latin American countries that once attracted migration from the Ottoman lands.
Africa Yearbook 2022, which is a sequel of Africa Yearbook published by YTB in 2021, was released under the main chapters titled "Politics, Economy, Security and Environment", "Global Actors and Africa", "Türkiye - Africa Relations", and "Culture, Arts and Sports". Authored by 35 contributors, Africa Yearbook 2022 maintains the tradition of adding to the literature of Africa in Türkiye.
Ranging from the Report on Turkish Presence in Iraq, Repression in the Turkic World, and the Project on Ottoman and Southeast Asia Relations, to the Project on Uighur Turkic Curriculum Development, the Release of the 3rd Set on Contemporary Thought in the Muslim World, and the Documentary on Suphi Bey, many initiatives were taken for the cognate and related communities throughout 2023 as part of the Academic and Field Studies.
Project on Compilation of Gagauz Proverbs
The proverbs and idioms, which are a key part of the oral culture of the Gagauz Turks based in Gagauz of Moldova and Odessa of Ukraine, were compiled and published under the sponsorship of YTB in an effort to hand them down to the next generation.
Project on the Book of Hymns of Cyprus
YTB sponsored yet another body of works by sufis, who were settled in Cyprus under the Ottoman rule, to register them and release them in a book along with their biographies. Among other projects carried out were the Documentary called 4 Satır (Myanmar), the Documentary on Ciluluk, the Inventory of Islamic Monuments in Adjara, and the Exhibition and Commemoration of the Migration from Bulgaria in 1969.
Turkish Language Training for Public Officers from All Around the World
Developed by YTB to help public officers, researchers, and academics from all around the world to learn to speak Turkish, the Turkish Language Program for Public Officials and Academicians received trainees in 2023, too.
120,636 Applications From 162 Countries for Türkiye Scholarships
117,367 applications were lodged from 162 countries in 2023 for Türkiye Scholarships, which is a scholarship scheme coordinated by YTB and offered for international students in Türkiye. Nearly 4,000 students earned a scholarship as a result of the reviews. Promotional events were held on site in 18 countries for the 2023 Application Term of Türkiye Scholarships.
Within the scope of the Turcology Summer School Program, 135 students were provided with a scholarship to take Turkish and Turcology courses in 7 universities based in Poland, Czechia, Lithuania, Serbia, and Croatia.
The 12th International Graduation Ceremony of International Students was held in 2023 and attended by 800 graduates. A Graduation Yearbook for 2023 was drawn up to compile the memories of 350 graduates who studied on a Türkiye scholarship.
Potential and current students were provided with services in 5 languages through the Call Centre rolled out to offer solutions for challenges facing international students who study in Türkiye on a scholarship. 210 events were organized in 12 cities and attended by 1,671 students as part of the International Academy of Students. In addition, an International Awards for Students was held in 2023.
In addition, the YTB offices based in Istanbul, Ankara, and Edirne held workshops, academic events, training courses, thematic events, and trips for international students.
11 joint scholarship schemes were developed with 16 domestic and international partners.
YTB Will Be There for Turkish Nationals and Communities in the Century of Türkiye
Offering an overall review of the actions taken by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities in 2023, Mr. Abdullah Eren, the President of YTB, highlighted the efforts of the organization to render impeccable services as part of its mandate. Speaking of the effort and motivation that drive YTB to take actions in the Century of Türkiye, Mr. Eren said: “We will continue to have presence wherever Turkish nationals, brothers, and sisters are in line with the vision for the Century of Türkiye under the leadership of H.E. President”.
Giving an account of the actions taken by YTB in 2023, President Abdullah Eren reminded that YTB is actually a diaspora organization of Türkiye and noted that YTB has taken actions since its inception in 2010 for the Turkish nationals, cognate and related communities and international students pursuing higher education in Türkiye. Speaking of how the year 2023 was full of actions, Abdullah Eren said: “We stood by the people abroad in the year 2023 through our actions, operations, and support in many aspects ranging from youth and cultural mobility to anti-racism and anti-discrimination actions, and introduction of legal and administrative reforms, education, scholarships, Turkish language services, and diaspora studies”.
Mr. Eren added: “We did not leave alone what we call the Lands of Heart, which make up our second largest set of actions. We joined our forces with the brothers and sisters that we share history and values with, through our actions in education and culture across the Turkic world in particular. To this end, we have taken scores of actions across vast lands ranging from Azerbaijan to Bosnia, the TRNC to Gagauzia, from Asia to Africa and even Latin America, hosting commemorative and cultural mobility events and offering educational and cultural support, as well as the development of prestigious studies''.
Mr. Eren, the President of YTB, spoke of the following about the international students, who are the third aspect of the organization’s operations: “We continue to raise Voluntary Envoys to represent Türkiye abroad. Türkiye Scholarships not only attract growing interest year after year but also grow into a global brand out of Türkiye thanks to the strict interviewing and assessment procedures with focus on success. Originally from all around the Turkic world, young people who study in Türkiye add a lot to the friendly and brotherly relations that we build our future on”.
Speaking of the earthquake that hit the country early in the year and is billed as the Disaster of the Century, Mr. Eren said: “Unfortunately, we experienced an earthquake early in the year that hit all of us hard. We lost thousands of people. May God rest their souls. Solidarity means a lot more in challenging times. Turkish nationals abroad, friends of the Turkic world who always have Türkiye in their prayers, and international students stood by us, extending a helping hand in material and spiritual terms. YTB did its best to coordinate the relief efforts and add to the dressing of the wounds on site along with our teams. May the Almighty never allow such a plight to recur”.