YTB Provides Solutions to the Problems of Turks Abroad

Pazar, Mart 20, 2022

In cooperation with the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) and the Ministry of Family and Social Services, the "New Faces, New Words" program is organized, where the problems of families living abroad are brought to the agenda and solutions are presented.

The Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) contributes to the training of human resources by carrying out various services for families living abroad with the projects it realizes every year. YTB, which tries to produce policies by taking into account that families living abroad face different problems in the conditions of the countries they live in, also holds consultations from time to time with people who experience the problems on the spot.

In this respect, while the first of the "New Faces New Words" program, which continues as a series, was held in the field of "Youth", the second one is organized in Ankara on "Family" in cooperation with the Ministry of Family and Social Services. With 28 participants from 10 countries, the problems of families living abroad are brought to the agenda and solution proposals are put on the table.  The meeting was attended by experts in the fields of pedagogy, psychology, sociology, social work, family law and similar fields who are in direct contact with Turkish families living abroad.

Studies on the Problems of Citizens Abroad Became Mandatory

Speaking at the program, İsmail Ergüneş, Deputy Minister of Family and Social Services, stated that they put their domestic experience in the field of social services at the service of families living abroad. Ergüneş noted that it has become compulsory to work on the problems of families living abroad, and that the migration adventure of citizens, which started with Germany, has reached 5 million people only in European Union countries today.

Stating that citizens living abroad maintain their existence in a strong way without breaking away from their values, Ergüneş said, "The most important reason for this is that citizens protect the Turkish family structure abroad and protect their customs, traditions, beliefs and cultures. Of course, the strong foreign policy implemented in our country and our relevant ministries have a share in this."

Stating that they have to analyze the Turkish families living abroad very well, Ergüneş said, "We are closely interested in the problems faced by citizens living abroad, mainly the family, and we are working on solutions. The activities carried out by coming together with the Turkish diaspora to contribute to the Turkish society are very important for us. NGOs operating abroad are also of great importance in the realization of these auspicious activities. Together with you, building the strong Turkey of the future with strong family structures will be a source of pride for all of us. We will protect our family, our faith, our youth, our culture, our language and the society we live in."

Family Structure is the Most Important Element of the Success of Turkish Existence

YTB President Abdullah Eren pointed out that the most important factor in the successful existence of the Turkish nation in Europe for 60 years is the concept of family and said, "Undoubtedly, one of the most important social resistance tools of our people, many of whom perhaps did not see the center of the city where they were located and went to Europe and succeeded and formed the Turkish presence in Europe, is family integrity."

Noting that as YTB, they have opened a separate title in the field of family and social services, Eren said, "We have family and social services scholarships. We give these scholarships to train young people in Europe in pedagogy, psychology, sociology, social work, family law and similar fields. We provide project support. We have supported many projects from 2011 to 2020. We continue to hold consultation meetings."

Underlining that family unity and integrity is the most important factor that will ensure the continuity of the national presence abroad in Europe in the coming period, Eren said: "Turks in Europe have adapted to the countries they live in and have not lost their own identity and self. We have a very tough struggle ahead of us. How will we maintain the relationship with Turkey as generations pass? These are questions that need to be answered. We will look for answers to these questions at this meeting."

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