Young Entrepreneurs Meet in Cologne

Pazartesi, Haziran 3, 2024

A Digital Youth Forum was held in Cologne in partnership between the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities.

Organised by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) and the Turkish National Agency in Cologne, Germany, the Digital Youth Forum, was attended by YTB Vice President Abdulhadi Turus, Head of Department for the Citizens Abroad Fatih Nişancı, Deputy Consul General of Türkiye in Cologne Hilal Uzer, Education Attaché Dr. Muhterem Dilbirliği and many young people.

 As part of a panel discussion titled ‘Young Entrepreneurs Meet in Cologne’, Dr Dilek Gürsoy, who was named the doctor of the year in Germany and was the first female surgeon to perform artificial heart transplantation in Europe, and Ekrem Namazcı, Microsoft Data and Artificial Intelligence Leader and CEO of Gdexa, and Cihan Süğür, General Manager of Corporate Development and Strategy Division of MHP - A Porsche Company, joined the event as guest speakers.

Addressing the Turkish youth abroad, YTB Vice President Abdulhadi Turus highlighted that young people should continuously improve themselves and actively provide inputs for the communities they are part of. Turus pointed to the importance of inspiring young people and setting an example to be followed.

 Turus noted that in addition to education and experience, gaps in digital transformation, creativity, and communication should be closed: ‘Choose the line of work you want, work for the business you want. You can do any job you want anywhere and anytime. The sky is the limit.’

 Pointing to how technology rapidly changes and youth must adapt to it, Turus said: “Do not be afraid. Courage, courage, courage. We are here because of our spirituality. Take bold steps and believe that you can overcome any challenges. More and more Turkish youngsters will surely hold key positions in the future.” Turus answered the questions posed by young people and listened to their opinions and suggestions.

By the end of the discussion, Turus presented a plaque of appreciation to Dr. Dilek Gürsoy, Ekrem Namazcı, and Cihan Süğür.

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