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Related Communities
“Ottoman Istimalet (the policy of tolerence) Politics: XV. and XVI. Century” book Introduced

Translated into Turkish by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), “Ottoman Politics of Istimalet: XV. and XVI. Century” book was introduced. see more..

Related Communities
The Book of Turkish Works Translated into Churches was Launched in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) introduced the book “Turkish Works Converted to Churches”, which was prepared for structures that were originally Turkish and later converted into churches, with a program organized in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. see more..

Related Communities
YTB Launches Three Important Projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina That Will Shed Light on Balkan History

The Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) is organizing an introductory meeting in Bosnia and Herzegovina for three important projects that shed light on Balkan history and unearthing architectural heirlooms. see more..

Related Communities
A work dedicated to Sadık Ahmet’s Life and Case

The book Doctor Sadık Ahmet, which was prepared for Sadık Ahmet’s 75th birthday, offers us the opportunity to know everything about Sadık Ahmet as a father, a human rights advocate, a leader, a doctor of medicine and an intellectual. The book consists of articles written by specialized writers. Every article focuses on a different side of Dr. Sadık Ahmet, revealing under what conditions a leader is raised and what s/he endures throughout his/her life. see more..

Memory, Related Communities
YTB Turkish Awards

The Presidency for Turks and Related Communities (YTB)is organizing a contest called “YTB Turkish Awards” in order to discover young talents who are willing to produce literary works in the Turkish diaspora, related communities and among international students. The candidates will be presented awards in the fields of The Best Work, Essay, Short Story, Poem and Children’s Literature. see more..

Announcements, Citizens Abroad, International Students, Related Communities
Periodicals in the Balkans: The Journey of Islamic Thought, 1918-2018" Presented

The Project “The Journey of Islamic Thought, 1918-2018", which was prepared by YTB to elaborate on the contemporary Islamic thought in the Balkans through periodicals has been presented. see more..

Related Communities
Turkish Communication Program for Public Officials and Academicians Closed for the Year 2023-2024.

KATİP (Turkish Language Program for Public Officials and Academicians), a program offered within the scope of Türkiye Scholarships, one of the attention-grabbing projects of Türkiye in recent years, closed for the year 2023-2024. see more..

Related Communities, Türkiye Scholarships
Exile and Memory

Compiled out of the papers submitted to the international symposium on “1989 Forced Migration of Turks From Bulgaria: Perception of Migrants After 30 Years” organized by Yıldız Technical University, the article titled Exile and Memory offers a review of the ethnic cleansing and attempts of assimilation levelled at the Turks in Bulgaria and the Forced Migration in 1989 in great detail. see more..

Memory, Related Communities
The 80th Anniversary of the Deportation of the Crimean Tatars Remembered and the Launching Event of the Crimean Tatar Youth Workshop Held

A launching event for a Workshop was hosted by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) in cooperation with the Association of Culture and Solidarity with the Crimean Turks. see more..

Related Communities
Symposium on North Caucasian Languages Held

Organized on the occasion of “Türkiye and North Caucasus Cultural Meetings” by the Dagestani Association of Education, Culture, and Solidarity, the Symposium on North Caucasian Languages was hosted by Gazi University with the assistance of the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB). see more..

Related Communities

Ottoman America

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