Digital Culture Platform CLOSE

Event “From One Generation to Another: 60th Anniversary of the Turkish Diaspora Presence in Belgium” held in Heusden Zolder, Belgium

Organized by YTB, the Event “From One Generation to Another: 60th Anniversary of the Turkish Diaspora Presence in Belgium” was held in Heusden Zolder, Belgium in high spirits to mark the 60th anniversary of the labour agreement signed by and between Türkiye and Belgium. see more..

Citizens Abroad
Closing Ceremony of International Students Academy and 2023 International Students Awards Held In High Spirits

Organized as part of the Students Academy by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), ‘the ceremony for 2023 International Students Awards’ was held at the Conference Hall of the Presidential Complex’s National Library. see more..

International Students, Türkiye Scholarships
The 80th Anniversary of the Deportation of the Crimean Tatars Remembered and the Launching Event of the Crimean Tatar Youth Workshop Held

A launching event for a Workshop was hosted by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) in cooperation with the Association of Culture and Solidarity with the Crimean Turks. see more..

Related Communities
Symposium on North Caucasian Languages Held

Organized on the occasion of “Türkiye and North Caucasus Cultural Meetings” by the Dagestani Association of Education, Culture, and Solidarity, the Symposium on North Caucasian Languages was hosted by Gazi University with the assistance of the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB). see more..

Related Communities
A Success Story: 60 Years of the Turkish Community Presence in the Netherlands

Taking the floor at the reception titled ‘From One Generation to Another: 60th Anniversary of the Turkish Diaspora Presence in the Netherlands’, the Head of Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) Abdullah Eren said that the Turkish community in the Netherlands has offered a lot to the country's current position. see more..

Citizens Abroad
YTB Attends 17th Austrian Cultural Fair

The 17th edition of the Austrian Cultural Fair was held in the town of Dornbirn. On the occasion of the fair held under the theme of the 60th Anniversary of Immigration to Austria, YTB President Abdullah Eren signalled that communities that manage to keep the culture of coexistence on its feet will be here to stay. see more..

Citizens Abroad
YTB Holds Special Reception for 60th Anniversary of Turkish-Dutch Labour Agreement

The Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) holds a 60th Anniversary Reception to mark and commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Turkish immigration to the Netherlands kicked off upon the advent of the Labour Agreement signed by and between Türkiye and the Netherlands on August 19, 1964. see more..

Citizens Abroad
Converted to Church: Fazıl Ahmet Pasha (Vizier) Mosque in Heraklion, Crete

Converted into a church named ‘Agiou Titou’ in 1924, Fazıl Ahmet Pasha (Vizier) Mosque still serves as a church. Described as ‘a high-rising and precious work of art’ by Evliya Çelebi and having stood still as shown in a postcard dating to 1913, the two-balcony minaret was demolished up to the pedestal when it was turned from a mosque into a church and had a bell tower built on top of it. see more..

YTB Türkiye Internship

Young Turks Abroad Intern at TUSAŞ, HAVELSAN, and ROKETSAN through YTB sponsorship see more..

Citizens Abroad
Award-Winning International Students Named at the YTB’s Short Film Festival

Held by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), the Short Film Festival came to an end following an award ceremony and a closing gala. see more..

International Students

Ottoman America

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