Digital Culture Platform CLOSE

Türkiye Alumni Meet in North Macedonia

Taking the floor at the Gathering of Türkiye Alumni held in North Macedonia, President of YTB Abdullah Eren said: “Wherever we go around the world, we see communities that back Türkiye and individually follow the developments about Türkiye. This is a great achievement but also a major responsibility for Türkiye”. see more..

International Students
Media Academy in the Age of Communication: Digital Journalism Course for Youth Diaspora in France Comes to an End

Held by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), the media academy courses are still underway for young people with potential to pursue a career in media corporations in their diaspora and interested in the digital world. The course on Media Academy in the Age of Communication: Digital Journalism for Youth Diaspora in France was recently organized in Strasbourg. see more..

Citizens Abroad, YTB Academy
Media Academy in the Age of Communication held in Edirne in Cooperation with TRT

The second edition of the media academy course was held at YTB’s Office in Edirne for the international students on a Türkiye Scholarship interested in the media industry. see more..

International Students, YTB Academy
Graduation Excitement for International Students

Having studied in Turkish universities on a Türkiye Scholarship, international students from all around the world returned to their homelands as alumni following the 12th International Students Graduation Ceremony held by YTB. see more..

International Students, Türkiye Scholarships
We shall neither make people forget Solingen nor our Aunt Mevlüde will be forgotten

A funeral ceremony was held in front of the arsoned house of Bilge Ana Mevlüde Genç, who lost her two daughters, two grandchildren and a nephew in their house, which was set on fire by the racist terrorist organisation Neo-Nazi in Solingen, Germany in 1993 and passed away on 30 October. YTB President Abdullah Eren also attended the ceremony. see more..

Citizens Abroad
Africa Media Representatives Training Program III (AFMED III)

Africa Media Representatives Training Program (AFMED) is a short term training program for early and mid-career professionals in the media sector. AFMED Program is organized by Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) in cooperation with TRT and Anadolu Agency (AA). see more..

Announcements, Related Communities
Türkiye sees Asian regional bloc ASEAN as a key partner

Ankara sees the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as a key partner in the Asia-Pacific region, the Turkish deputy foreign minister said on Tuesday. see more..

Related Communities
YTB Supports Scientific Research on Sister Communities

The second round of applications for the Humanities and Social Development Research Program (BESKAP), implemented by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) to support comprehensive scientific research on fraternal, cognate and related communities, continues. see more..

Related Communities
YTB welcomes citizens abroad on their way back

Every summer season, the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) works to ensure that the journeys of citizens, most of whom live in Europe, both to Turkey and back to their countries of residence are comfortable and peaceful. From the border gates of Serbia to Kapıkule Border Gate, the organization carries out both welcome and farewell activities at many points. At these points, many needs of citizens are met and gifts are presented to children. The return journeys of the citizens, who spent their leave periods with their relatives in their hometowns, have started these days. Last year, YTB reopened the resting and playgrounds created by YTB in a large area at Kapıkule Border Gate. Citizens departing from different cities of Anatolia find the opportunity to rest in this area created by YTB before leaving Turkey, while children have fun in the playgrounds. see more..

Citizens Abroad

Ottoman America

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