Abdullah Eren, President of Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), condemned the racist attack on Eving Selimiye Sports ...

Report on Attacks Targeting the Turkish Presence Abroad in 2022
Since 2018, our Presidency has been sharing with the public through annual reports the racist and Islamophobic attacks that have directly or indirectly targeted Turkish citizens abroad and civil society organizations and mosques founded by our citizens.
In this context, Report on Attacks Targeting the Turkish Presence Abroad in 2022 was published in 4 languages: Turkish, English, German, and French.
In reports prepared by verifying open sources and cases directly conveyed to our Presidency, a total of 1,132 attacks were recorded in the last 4 years; 174 in 2018, 253 in 2019, 389 in 2020 and 316 in 2021. In 2022, a total of 274 cases were recorded, 133 of which were attacks directly targeting our citizens. The far-right, which has both racist and anti-Islam motivations, was the primary source of attacks against Turkish citizens.
In 2022;
The majority of the cases were observed as hate speech (62 out of 135 cases directly against our citizens) and attacks on individuals (17 out of 54 cases directly against our citizens). While hate speech was the leading cause in previous years, the increase in attacks on individuals is considered alarming.
Yurt Dışındaki Türk Varlığını Hedef Alan Saldırılar 2022
Attacks Targeting the Turkish Presence Abroad 2022
Les Attaques Visant La Présence Turque a l'etranger 2022
Angriffe Auf Die Türkische Präsenz im Ausland 2022
Turkish Citizens Living Abroad The Journal of Rights And Freedoms 2022
Our Presidency has been reporting the administrative and legal regulations and developments regarding the rights and freedoms of our citizens living abroad, and their positive or negative effects, chronologically since 2020. While 278 incidents were recorded in 2021, according to 2022 data, a total of 289 incidents were recorded, 120 of which were positive and 169 of which were negative. While it was seen that the main violations occurred in the areas of freedom of religion and conscience and the prohibition of racism/discrimination, significant positive developments were also reported under the same two headings.
In 2022;
were recorded.
Yurt Dışı Vatandaşlar Hak ve Özgürlükler Güncesi 2022
Turkish Citizens Living Abroad The Journal of Rights And Freedoms 2022