Abdullah EREN

Pazar, Şubat 28, 2021

Abdullah Eren, who was born in Istanbul is originally from the Western Thrace.

Eren holds a Bachelor’s Degree of Sociology from Boğaziçi University and Master’s Degree of Diplomacy Studies from the University of Westminster, London.

Abdullah Eren worked in a number of senior positions in the private sector. Eren had worked as a Deputy Private Secretary and Counsellor to the Prime Minister before his assignment as the Chief Advisor to the President.

Eren was appointed as the President of the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities by the Presidential Decree dated 27 October 2018. Taking close interest in the civil society activities, Eren has assumed active duties in many civil society organizations working on the Balkans.

Abdullah Eren is interested in traditional Turkish sports, fluent in English, married and has 2 children.

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