“Evliya Çelebi Cultural Trips” Program

Perşembe, Mart 11, 2021

The “Evliya Çelebi Cultural Trips” program, announced by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) with the aim to solidify the ties of young people abroad with Turkey and promote national values, is open for applications.

Evliya Çelebi Cultural Trips projects help young people abroad get to know Turkey’s national, moral and cultural values and its historical roots. It is among the programs supported by YTB each year. Thanks to the program, Turkish young people living abroad not only have the opportunity to visit their home country but also have the opportunity to establish a sense of belonging by visiting cities of Turkey filled with history and culture. For this reason, Evliya Çelebi Cultural Trips Program has opened for applications.

Applications to the support program, offered to Turkish non-governmental organizations and non-profit education institutions operating abroad in the field of youth, close on 16 December 2019. The accepted projects are expected to be implemented between 1 September 2019 – 31 December 2020.


Within the framework of Evliya Çelebi Cultural Trips Program which aims to strengthen the connection of young people living abroad with Turkey and promote national moral values, young people who are Turkish citizens or have blue card will have the opportunity to explore the cultural and historical values of Turkey for 10 days.


Different routes have been determined for the program. The routes to be visited by youngsters in Turkey are as follows:

Route 1: Istanbul-Bursa-Çanakkale-Edirne

Route 2: Istanbul-Ankara-Konya-Nevşehir

Route 3: Ordu-Giresun-Trabzon-Rize

Route 4 - Route for the year of Göbekli Hill: Şanlıurfa-Mardin-Gaziantep-Hatay

Route 5 - 100th year of National Struggle: Samsun-Amasya-Sivas-Erzurum-Ankara

Route 6 - Alternative Route: In addition to the above-mentioned routes, especially student groups’ educational trips with a specific theme (history, architecture, art, science and technology, social work, literature, etc.) can be prepared as a project within the scope of the program. In the application, route and details of activities must be specified on the calendar.


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